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Adom Boateng

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Chief Development Officer

Adom Boateng comes from a small high school in New Jersey and has spent her time trying to better the children of her community and make the STEM field more accessible for those with disadvantaged backgrounds. Having shadowed an Electrical Engineer, Adom could apply technical knowledge to troubleshoot various equipment malfunctions. She would collaborate closely with electrical engineers to optimize OLED display production processes there. When she isn't working with engineers, Adom manages her school's Black Student Union. As president, Adom works closely with her council to spread information about black culture and history.


Annually, the club hosts a Black History Showcase every February to teach students in her school things about Black History they wouldn't learn in class. Outside of that, Adom focuses on her sport. Having played volleyball for years, she co-founded an organization called Kamp 4 Kids. There, she teaches kids in her community the fundamentals of volleyball and the rules of the game. With the money raised from this organization, she and her co-founders donate to charities specialized in bringing youth sports to underfunded communities.

This summer, Adom was accepted into the prestigious program, Carnegie Mellon's Summer Academy for Math and Science.


There, she spent her summer helping to update an AI that would tell the user their socioeconomic background and community census simply by entering their zip code. She was also learning the basics of marketing and business with the use of data science and statistics. Adom developed a comprehensive video game portfolio utilizing C# to design an immersive world that included character
creation, environment building, and sound design through real-life audio capture.

She hopes to take what she learned from this program and apply it to Girls for Algorithmic Justice. Adom understands the various challenges many groups may face in their lives, AI should not have to be one of them. 

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